Coral Pro Salt 22KG

Coral Pro Salt 22KG

Regular price $140.00 Sale

Optimal ratio and levels of elements for accelerated coral growth. Ideal for Mixed Reefs & SPS Frag tanks
Red Sea’s Coral Pro Salt contains biologically balanced, elevated levels of the foundation elements (Calcium, Magnesium, Carbonates) necessary for sustainable, accelerated coral growth.
Coral Pro Salt is ideal for reef aquariums, in particular for LPS and SPS corals, and for growing coral frags.


Red Sea Coral Pro Salt elements graph

Red Sea Coral Pro Salt elements graph




  • All-natural eco-friendly harvesting from the waters of the exotic Red Sea
  • Biologically balanced levels of foundation elements
  • Full complement of trace elements
  • Guaranteed parameters for 10liter / 2.5gal mix.
  • No nitrates or phosphates (algae nutrients)
  • No toxic levels of Heavy Metals
  • No chemical  binders
  • Low moisture content


Recommended usage of Red Sea Coral Pro Salt:

Aquarium Type
Alkalinity (dKH)
Ca (mg/l)
Mg (mg/l)
K (mg/l)
Mixed Reef
34 ppt
435 – 465
1310 – 1390
375  – 405
37.1 g/l
SPS Frag
35 ppt
450 – 480
1350 – 1430
385 – 415
38.2 g/l

Red Sea Coral Pro Salt will produce stable seawater with a pH of 8.2 – 8.5.
Parameters are based on dry salt mixed with RO water.